With KeePassXC 1-second delay, I found that the standard AES-KDF for my computer was about 54 million on average. The math to do the conversion from PBKD2F to Argon2id was a bit tricky, but luckily KeePassXC 1-second delay made it easy and got us a “ good enough” solution. Also, I’m sure more password managers will be looking to move to Argon2 soon.

Since the main goal of this calculator was to see what it would cost to crack a master password for a password manager, I feel having Argon2id as an option is important. With Bitwarden adding Argon2id I felt the need to also add it to this passphrase cracking calculator. The total is half of what it would cost because we’re giving the attacker a 50/50 shot of finding the correct master password in the first half of guesses.The total factors in the hardware and electricity costs.The total given is an estimate of what it would cost to crack one person’s master password (passphrase).
Keepassxc password strength checker update#
See the update about Argon2id below to know why it’s better and why it was added to this calculator.