SuperVision: Super-flexible, customizable metering When its time to make recording history, you need the best audio interface you can get and you need one you can count on.New Samples: Six fresh sound and loop sets.Score Editor: Workflow improvements and beautiful new fonts.Squasher: Improve leads, tame bass and enhance reverb for EDM.Frequency 2: Amazingly precise dynamic EQ for better mixing.Global Tracks: Stay in sync more easily.Advanced Key Editor: Create perfect pitch bends and more.Scale Assistant: Follow, quantize and play live to a set scale.

Sampler Track 2: New creative features including slicing, LFOs and legato glide.
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Whether you record an orchestra, a huge live rock show, or a band in the studio, Cubase Pro is sublime in every sense of the word. Used by star producers and musicians for composing, recording, mixing and editing music, Cubase Pro combines outstanding audio quality, intuitive handling and a collection of highly advanced audio and MIDI tools. Cubase Pro 12 condenses almost three decades of Steinberg development into the most cutting-edge DAW anywhere.